Course Designs

These are the courses that I have taught. If specific materials are requested, please contact me.
ENGL 101 - Composition
ENGL 101 - Composition is the introductory course to college writing at KU. This course focuses on the Rhetorical Situation and Rhetorical flexibility. The 3 major units follow a sequence from recognizing rhetoric to analysis to practicing. Course description and Major Assignment descriptions are on the pdf displayed.
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ENGL 102 - Critical Reading and Writing
ENGL 102 - Critical Reading and Writing directly follows ENGL 101 in the KU curriculum. This course focuses on research methods, including primary and secondary sources. The 3 major units follow a sequence practicing interviews, participant observations, surveys, and secondary research, all culminating in a synthesis project. Collaborative work is also emphasized in this course. Course description and Major Assignment descriptions are on the pdf displayed.
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